Dec 17, 2008

Why believe in a God?


Alhamdulillah, selesai semester kedua terakhir saya (hopefully inshaAllah). 3 grades sudah keluar, menanti 3 lagi grade yang mungkin selesai digrade hujung minggu ini. Risaunya!!

Final week kalini, pertama kali sejak habis Freshman year saya rasakan saya punya banyak ruang untuk study finals. Hamdan liLlah, walaupun sibuk juga dengan perkara lain, at least mampu menghabiskan pre-review semua material without rush.

anyway, di website muktamar, bilangan peserta dah mencecah 600. meningkat dari tahun lepas. juga, ramai teman2 dari North sanggup turun ke South - drive lebih 20 jam! InshaALlah, kembara Ilmu dan ukhuwwah akan memberi kepuasan dihati masing2. =)

Tajuk entry - Why believe in a God?
"Just do good for the goodness sake"

Got this when I watched TV yesterday. The reporter said that this sort of 'advertisement' has been spread out on buses in US, I'm not sure where.
Just now, a forum on TV was discussing about some poeple arguing about Christmas and Santa.

hm.. people arguing on religions??

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
Al-Ikhlas (1-4)
translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali

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