Dec 18, 2009

tahun baru


Of course for today, I'd like to say "Salam Ma'al Hijrah" to all of you.

Looking back to the past year (1430 H), it wasn't much that I've succeeded. And I could say it's kinda bad compared to previous years. So many things I did not accomplish having the list was not even long.

It's bad isn't it?

Some parts, yeah, I'm thankful so much for Allah giving me the opportunity to learn this and that while I'm in States - not knowing that I'll come back here after 3 months break in the summer. =)

Ukhuwwah - that I feel the most.

It was so hard to leave my sister alone, though I wasn't a big help for her pun being 8 hrs away.

It was so hard to get separated with MISG sisters, which I know I won't be able to see them for He knows how long will it be.

It was so hard to leave Vandy ppl, esp my sisters *u know who u are* realizing that I won't be able to see them everyday anymore. and it kinda regretful - not to visit my dear sis in Miri after planning things. *saya claim nanti ok! :P*

1430 H also had been a big year, I now keep in contact with so many childhood friends sampai I tend to retake the printed pictures to share them with my friends. So many, I don't know how tiba2 the gelombang semua pegi korek2 connection kawan masing2. Kawan darjah 3 pun dah contact balik!

Independence - this gives a lot of impact to me

Yeah, what can u say, once u graduated, u're pretty much on your own jugak la kan. Though u're still living with parents, u're practically a real adult now. That really challenges me who hardly make big decision by herself.

And since I've never experienced of living alone by myself, this new academic year really give me tough lifeee. seriously. After these few months, I can say I'd like to congratulate myself for being able to do so! =)

I'd say, I learned to rely on Allah so much. Not that I never done that before, but it's much more since I became a graduate student. It's a shame, for not feeling that through my whole life, but I believe it's a good starting inshaAllah!


That's 2 things that I wanna highlight la kot, besides I'm tired of typing already. hehe~

Anyway, let's reflect ourselves back to the previous year and set targets for this new year. Rugilah kalau kita sama je macam last year, and lebih dasyat if it's worse.

Nak berjaya kan?
Make a move!

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