Dec 31, 2009

Muktamar 2009 – A Different One [Part 1]



Alhamdulillah, Muktamar ’09 had closed its door. It’s been great to have myself part of the convention again this year.

The feel was of course different than previous years. I never expected to come again, you know why right?

I came as a graduate student, not many are with the same age or older than me (the students I mean), and true, a lot of expectations for being among the eldest of MISG sisters. And for the first time, I came as a participant, purely without any commitment related to Muktamar.


Left: Snow while on the way to Ann Arbor, MI. Middle: My undergrad life was here. Right: New traffic lights on this junction.. heh~

As I finished my quarter early than others, I went to Michigan a week after my finals and spent there for 3-4 days. Cooking for the final people, visiting Kak Fezah, go out shopping at Kroger. Then, Midah picked up our van at rental office.

We headed to Vanderbilt as I have to rent a car for them, and some will get onto our van. I was soooo excited coming to Vandy after few months leaving (baru few months kan? :P). InshaAllah, I’m hoping to come again later. Ameeennnn… Oh, I met our dearly advisor, just to say hi, for about 5-10 minutes before running back to Izzati’s apartment and get ready to continue traveling.

And around 10.30 am, we departed for a 4-5 hours trip to Atlanta, Georgia...

Anyway, thanks to my dear Bam for waiting us till 3 am. It’s such a pleasure to meet u guys. ;)

Next: Muktamar days


fariza said...

saya mahu baca lagi. syukran for sharing nazirah. so keep it coming yeah. rindu muktamar! =D

Deremind said...

hehe baik inshaAllah. I'm still typing it out!

Bear said...

hehee bam mmg comel
excited nak jumpe awk

Deremind said...

yeah. baiklah anda comel sentiasa. :D