When you get to go to 'events' (read: muktamar, islamic conference, tamrins, summer camps, etc..) only once in a while, it is really a total imaan-boosting for you to motivate for the coming days of your life when you went there.
Even more, when you only get to go to masjid or Islamic center once in a while (maybe once in few months)... you might almost cry when you first step into the masjid. How wonderful is the feeling, mashaAllah!
I wished to have these in just few steps from my door. But yes, I could not get them easily, ain't I? It's a challenge, life challenge. =) Bila lagi nak diuji kalau bukan kat dunia, kan?
Oh well, staying in Michigan, an 'Islamic State' in US for few days after not coming here for few months (sorry UMich sisters!) - visiting Dearborn, you got to see Masajid everywhere.
You go to Warren Avenue and Michigan Avenue -
Halal KFCMuslim Aswaaq (Markets)Pita/Kebab restaurantsHalal Thai RestaurantsHalal Subway
What else? Muslims are everywhere.
Oh I might not be visiting Devon Avenue in Chicago too much, that's why. haha. But Dearborn, Detroit, Ann Arbor are wonderful places.
My sis and I just went across the Fordson High School in Dearborn few days ago, where 99% of the students are Muslims. We were so excited that we wanted to call Malaysia at that moment, but it was too early in the morning. =p
Oh, I'm so missed to meet people around. =) ISNA convention coming up, wait for me!
ps: Guess what Vandy brothers and sisters, I met Nashville sisters last weekend at the Al-Maghrib class. They were so amazed to see so many cars of Malaysians from Vandy coming to ICN for Friday prayer. =) Be good examples for the community okay?
nak pgi isna isk iskkk
isk2... siap ada additional class Suhaib Webb on Monday lagik. hui~
meh2 datang. :P
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