Jan 1, 2008

Muktamar 07 Review


Maybe it's just a summary, anyone could add more, feel free to add. And, I'm not good in writing - so if it seems monotonous and lots of grammatical errors, I'm sorry. You are free to correct it. JazakumuLlahu khayr.

Saturday, Dec 22 2007

The Vandy trips departed starting at 9.30 am-11.00 am. I was alone with an Indonesian family, Kak Della. Three trips with 7 cars went from Nashville to Frederick, Maryland - about 10-12 hours journey.

Arrived at 11 pm, all the MISG members were registered at the Holiday Inn Express, not the Holiday Inn where we would have the conference. Fortunately, it was just for that night only. The other two trips arrived at around 1 am to 3 am.

It's good to have Kak Della with me, she introduced me to her friends, made me comfortable talking with them. Alhamdulillah, I don't feel apart being among Indonesians like last year. And, a good start to get nice relationship with IMSA-Sisters?

Sunday, Dec 23 2007

Alhamdulillah, a lot of friends had come. We had a great breakfast and headed to the opening ceremony. It started a little bit late, but ran smoothly. The representatives from both Malaysia and Indonesia Embassy came too for the opening ceremony. The best thing for that day was having talk from Dr Farid, Ustzh Yoyoh, and Dr Arief. I learned a lot about the relationship between IMSA and MISG - how we started to make a great combinations until now.

All the sisters were placed into Holiday Inn already, while some of the brothers had to stay at the Holiday Inn Express. Ramai betul tahun ni ya...

Oh, I almost forgot. We had a big bazaar this year with about 20++ tables reserved. Many books, clothes, food, and others were sold there. My friend bought 2 abayas (is it?), not saying others. =)

Monday, Dec 24 2007

It was Yaumun Nisa. We had a lot of fun strengthening the ukhuwwah among Malaysian and Indonesian sisters. Many things that we learned from the mbak-mbak, particularly they have more experience having families in the States. There were talks, games, performances and even bidding for raising funds for muktamar. It was a little bit emotional day for me, but overall it was great.

That night, we had talks from Dr Farid about Islamic Movements in Malaysia. He told us the importance of having a complete systematic usrah. Since he is involving in one of the organizations in Malaysia, few of us asked questions related to involving into islamic organizations once we get back home.

Tuesday, Dec 25 2007

Most of the programs were parallel sessions between IMSA and MISG. One to two slot sessions, and then the annual general meeting for both MISG and IMSA. Few issues came up, generally we got many inputs from members. Alhamdulillah.. That night - performances. It was really happening, the show from Madrasah and Youths were great, much better than last year. The MISG brothers performed a skit and sang few nasyeeds. Later, sisters went to the musolla, and had a touching taaruf. I memorized all their names, alhamdulillah.. May Allah tie this ukhuwwah till we meet in Jannah, insyaAllah.. (bak kata yaya.. )

Wednesday, Dec 26 2007

After breakfast and closing ceremony, we headed for our post-muktamar program right after zuhr. As planned, we went to the Watertail, brothers were off for snowboarding and sisters had snowtubing. 2 hours that we had, it was really tiring but was a great experience. Right after that, dinner was prepared by Pn. Zaimun's family, but sisters had to rush to our houses, Sis Noor, Sis Farida, Sis Aneesa, and Sis Khadeeja's homes. They were very welcoming and treated us like their daughters, alhamdulillah! I stayed at Sis Noor's house, and that night, we had a cooking session with 3 recipes learned in 2 hours! huhu..

Thursday, Dec 27 2007

The brothers had already waited at the Adams Center, but we sisters arrived at 12.00 noon. They already have the tour around the center and got some snacks. At the time we arrived, the zuhr prayer was almost there. Two sisters leaded our tours and had the history of Adams Center. It's for you to know, this center holds two friday prayers, each consists of a thousand people. And there were also few islamic centers around the city that holds 2 Friday prayers with few hundreds each. That will add up a few thousands of Muslims around Virginia.

After having pizza sponsored by someone, 11 cars headed to IIIT Center - around 10 minutes from the Adams Center. I was quite exhausted - because of the flu I guess. By the time they started the lecture of introduction of IIIT and history of MISG, I was too tired. So not many that I got, but still it was great. Getting to know of the people who initiated MISG, contributed so much in developing it, IIIT was really close to us. Here we came, connecting back the relationship. We got three books for each of us which we were allowed to choose from a bunch of choices and a dinner treated by them at a restaurant nearby. Thanks really much IIIT.

Visiting Pn. Zaimun's house for the second time, she cooked a lot for us. Thanks a lot. Kak Fatin, Kak Anum, and Kak Ili had to go back to Pittsburgh - so it was the last time we had. Then, sending back sisters to each house, and three sisters and I went back to have a meeting. I believed my housemates had a really great time continuing our projects.. ;)

Friday, Dec 28 2007

Kak Ena sent Azie to the airport that morning, and we had a Quran recitation at Sis Farida's house. We had a final gathering, and du'a for all of our 'families' for their peace and happiness till the end insyaAllah.. Almost all of us had some words for them before we ended it with breakfast. I went back to Sis Noor's house packing up things, and we all departed to Washington DC.

At DC, we were hardly find a parking near the Jefferson Memorial. At last, we parked quite far, the WWII museum parking area. Went to Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, and some other places. It's getting dark, everyone had to start their journey home. I believed my sis was feeling hard, knowing it might be the last time to meet the others before she graduates, isn't it sis?

Anyway, vandy people arrived safely [alhamdulillah..] saturday morning after stop for almost 2 hours to rest.

Overall, I thanked Allah for letting me to attend this conference. Lot's of things that I learned, from conference sessions to the post-muktamar. I realized that people's lives are not as happy as we can see outside. I saw families with big house, but inside they had problems behind it. I saw families with perfect islamic life, yet had a little facilities to work on their da'wah. May Allah reward them the barakah, and have them in Jannah insyaALlah..

Thanks to my Muktamar roommates - Kak Ena, Syera, and Azni, also my post-muktamar housemates - Kak Ena, Kak Su, Dyana, and Zaleha for being such a wonderful friends. And to all sisters, jazakumuLlahu khayr for the best experience with all of you.

It was the best program I ever had. Looking forward for next year's...


ryuneko said...

post muktamar : eat and eat and eat. especially kat rumah sis faridah ~ :)

and teringat the little boy, yg ajar kita semua satu hadis sambil bersujud :)
[ke nazirah tgh packing kat rumah kak noor time tu ?]

Deremind said...

rite.. =D
hope our food they served us have the barakah, insyaAllah..

I wasn't there la. packing2 that time.. waiting for anyone who wants to share.

'Ammar Kamarulzaman said...

ada lagi ke nti next year??huhu

Deremind said...

that was written in 2007, so 'next year' would be this year... so insyaAllah if i'm still alive, I'll be there.

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