Jan 25, 2009

Muktamar '08 - Dec 27-Dec 30


Yes, the first night was such a super-exhausted. Didn't sleep well the nights before, but I guess the excitement allowed me to stand up still to prepare for the big event.

The Muktamar's high committee agreed to have a post-mortem each night. Also, MISG high committee planned to do final meetings every night too, but we decided not to lastly. well, it's not just the meeting and a good program flow, the objective behind that need to be accomplished is important. Ukhuwwah with the new participants especially freshmen is such an important thing to be concerned.

On 27th morning, we had the opening ceremony. Muktamar was co-opened by consulate representative from Indonesia and the Vice Minister of Higher Education, YB Dato' Idris Haron.
YB was once an active member of MISG years ago. I like the spirit during his talk, he was inspiring! Before that was the speech from both MISG and IMSA Presidents, Akh Dodi and Akh Firdaus. Dalam setiap ucapan, mereka menceritakan bagaimana mereka bertukar musim dalam masa beberapa hari. Dari musim sejuk di kawasan utara ke musim panas di Houston. Terasa seperti di Malaysia! =) Juga berapa lama mereka berada di perjalanan, mengambil masa lebih sehari untuk tiba ke destinasi.

Me? I only took half a day to arrive day. 12-13 hours, less than my trip to Albany, NY last 2 years - 16 hours. hehe... not too bad huh~

The events started after that. We had 3 main sessions, 1 each day. with lots of parallel sessions, to accommodate various topics of discussions. Ibu Elly was invited by IMSA to hold a parenting workshop, I was informed by participants who went to the session that it was really great. I had a chance to meet her, and she was motherly and caring. hehe..

This time Muktamar made a huge difference when we had multiple number of speakers invited, compared to last year that we had the speakers to talk in many slots. Though, in my opinion, this year's number might not be a good number since we couldn't maximize the speakers' p
resence here.

On the night after the opening ceremony, Malaysian students had a dinner with Dato' Idris. and I had a chance to be on the same table with 2 MSD Education Attache, Ustaz Abdul Rahman and Ustaz Wan Jamaluddin. MashaAllah, the food was excellent! We couldn't finish the big bowl of salads and rice.

On Sunday, we had Yaumun Nisa' for all sisters. All I can say is, I love it! Thanks to YN Committee who worked really hard for this. Our three women speakers, Ummiroses, Kak Roha, and Ibu Elly participated in parallel session and games. It was a whole lot of fun, alhamdulillah! Being with those mbak2 and ibu2 makes me feel the family sorrounding... it's been 2 years...

I couldn't make it to any of IMSA's slots, I guess due to my responsibility this year needs a lot of work. Unlike last year, I tend to go IMSA's talk, maybe I was trying to see many things in different perspective. I believe all sessions were good though. =)

Our plan to have ukhuwwah activities was supposed to be every night, but it ended up only on the first night and the last night. The last night was to get to know each other more, and I tried to remember all the names. I guess I did, but now maybe I have to recall it few times. hehe~ sorry... I'm not really good in remembering names. =D But I'll try!

My first experience to be with my dear Angah, I mean after we got into different schools, and not in Malaysia. We stayed in the same hotel room, with Azni and Liyana. 3 Vandys and 1 Umich? haha.. anyway, every night I went back to the Junior Suite, Angah's already want to sleep. sorry Angah! We would borak2 later.. =)

My first experience to be a moderator in my life, I moderated the talk of Raudhatus Sakinah given by Ummiroses and Kak Roha. The talk touched a lot of the audiences including me. Sometimes, we always forget how grateful we are in the States with lots of easiness.. IT IS different to live here compared to Malaysia. Belajarlah untuk selalu bersyukur!

The seniors - me, Kak Tikah, Kak Anum, Ashwaq... yes, it might be the last muktamar we had together. Working on this muktamar & MISG together - it's priceless!

On the last day, about 1/3 of us were going back home. Kak Mis & Kak Rina were catching their flights back on the next day, Kak Tikah went back bringing her adik2. I said to Kak Tikah, "ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi la ye. Entah2 jumpa kat sekolah summer ni.. hehe" Kak Anum? you have to be in Umich after finals ok?

Kak Fatin called me few times from Malaysia, asked me how's eveything going, how's the AGM, etc... she really missed the muktamar~ *sorry Kak Fatin, saje mention*

Overall, jazakumuLlahu khayr to all speakers... YB Nik Nazmi, Ustaz Ahmad, Bro Azman, Akh Fazrul, Dr Azly, Ummi Ros, Kak Roha, Ibu Elly, Ustaz Samsi, Ustaz Joban, and not to forget Dato' Idris, thank you very much for coming to Muktamar.

ps: tak boleh part sedih2 lagi. ada next story.

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