Nov 16, 2009

Bouquets That Bear Fruit

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... An excerpt from the article:

All five of my siblings pitched in. I delivered newspapers to 300 houses. Instead of putting the paper into the mailbox, I’d deliver it to the door. I got great tips. When I was 13, a flower shop hired me to water the flowers. Soon I was taking care of orders. By 16, I had learned a lot.

One day my father found a flower shop for sale in the paper. The owner wanted $6,000. My dad asked me if I could run the shop, and I said sure. We got a cash advance and a loan from a friend. I thought I’d negotiate, and asked the owner what terms he was offering. He looked at me as if to say, “What can this kid possibly know?

Read more HERE

ps: Terasa macam promote company pulak.. huhu~


Ashwaq said...

Kalau saye tau edible arrangements nih kedai muslim...dah lame saye beli satu bakul hantar dekat Mr Wilson..haiihh..tapi aritu ingat mahal sangat...ape kate awak tolong hantarkan satu?...hahahhaa

Deremind said...

haha saye pun baru tau. da la kedai tu ada dekat je kat sini. :P

ngeh3 tape la kte dah bg hadiah lain hehhe

Afiq of Tayor's said...

nice article!

Deremind said...


Nothing is impossible biiznillah!