Nov 18, 2009

first 10 days of Dzulhijjah

by Sound Vision Staff Writer

The Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him) said: There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days." The people asked, "Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?" He said, "Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing (Bukhari).

Below are a number of Duas that you can make or use as a model to make your own set of supplications during these blessed days.

1. Oh Allah, please forgive me for all of the bad that I've done. You are so Merciful and kind, please forgive me, and help me stay away from all that's wrong. It's so hard for me, and I'm so weak but You are the Strong. Please increase me in sincerity.

2. Oh Allah, please make my family stronger on the path of struggle as You made the family of Abraham stronger.

3. Oh Allah, help me and my family share Islam with our neighbors, co-workers and classmates in the best way, with wisdom and beautiful preaching. Let us become the means by which they gain a better understanding of Islam and accept this beautiful way of life.

4. Oh Allah, make me of Your sincere, humble and grateful servants the way Prophet Abraham was. And please remove all of my insincerity, arrogance and ungratefulness.

5. Oh Allah, save the people of Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, the untouchables of India, Ethiopia, Somalia, Chiapas, Iraq, different parts of Africa and others from internal and external oppressors and give them justice. Protect us all from violence, fear and danger, You are our Protector.

6. Ya Allah, unite Muslims and all people of conscience to work together for the oppressed and the poor.

7. Oh Allah, increase me in knowledge to please You, not to seek fame, glory, status or material wealth. Let this knowledge strengthen me as a Muslim and let it benefit humanity.

8. Oh Allah, please guide my children and all children. Protect them, my Lord, from all of the evil influences that are around them. Give them friends who will strengthen their faith and help them stay on the Straight Path.

9. Oh Allah, make it easy for me to accept all that You have decreed for me, and please make it easy for me to turn to You during trials and difficulties. Let these difficult moments of my life make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You.

10. Oh Allah, help orphans and the poor wherever they are, but especially right now in Afghanistan. Give me the means and ability to do whatever I can for them.

11. Oh Allah, cleanse my heart of the sicknesses of arrogance and pride and let me die as one of the sincere, humble Muslims.

12. Oh Allah, all of my brothers and sisters who are suffering for Your sake through torture, violence, in jails, etc. around the world please forgive their sins and grant them Paradise.

13. Oh Allah, open up a way for me to make Hajj as soon as possible, so that I can fulfill my obligation to You.

14. Oh Allah, please give me patience and help me control my anger for Your sake.

15. Oh Allah, please help me and all of my Mulsim brothers and sisters around the world change our erring ways and guide us to the Straight Path. Help us all live the life of true Muslims, striving towards the example of Your Beloved Messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions.

and, again, it's not just this du'as. Have your own prayers, biizniLlah I wish the best to all in this holy month.


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