Dec 12, 2009

Divine Speech weekend


MashaAllah. sangat best kelas ni. I do agree with all my sisters who went to this class.

Serius best tak tipu. Tho da lenguh kaki duduk atas carpet (sebab buat kat prayer hall) 3 jam, tapi buku dan pen masih tak lepas dari tangan. =)

There's few points that I've heard during IFR Purdue, about Al-Fatihah.
and some other things too!

the balance in every ayaah in Suratul Fatihah
why is the word hamdu instead of Shukr, Thanaa' or Madh
why is the word Rabb mentioned first after Allah, not some other names
the verb and noun based sentences in this surah... and a lot more.

Lamanya tak pegi kelas2 camni.
Takde la trip2 jauh cam dulu, ni naik kete sejam je.

Maybe harus tukar major to Islamic studies, this interests me a lot more than EE. haha~

Sis. Aamna showed me this billboard on the way we got home. Of course I didn't take this pic, it was night already. Menarik2! I said to her, you guys are really fortunate to have the opportunity to stay in Chicago. It's lovely, tak tipu.

Looking forward for tomorrow to continue inshaALlah! ;)

ps: A man said shahadah right after our tonight's class. We are soo jealous that he is so pure with no sin at all now. Anyway, alhamdulillah subhanaLlah~ Welcome to our community brother!


Inda Hanum Samsi said...

yup2,everyone shud hav a second major in islamic studies.

best, tak tipu :)

Deremind said...

hehe yuppp... if i got time in the future, why not inshaAllah. =)

uia pun jadik jugak. anywhere is fine. hehe