Alhamdulillah tsummal hamdulillah. Masih diberi peluang untuk bernafas di bumi Allah ni.
Selesai sudah final exams untuk Fall quarter ni. Boleh saya katakan it is the worst semester/quarter ever in my life, but I'm sure there are so many hikmahs why it happened. I mean, it really does!
kenapa saya campak diri sendiri kat univ yang Melayunya cam tak nampak langsung
kenapa saya pilih univ yang high demanding (ops terkomen univ sendiri?)
kenapa dan kenapa....
hehe... though saya pun tak nampak lagi semua hikmah tu, I believe there are inshaAllah.
Anyway, few days ago when I browsed the Facebook home page, my eyes caught a link posted by a brother in Vandy. It's the interview from our previous Chancellor who always came to the dining hall and talk to the students ^_^
VH: How do you think other institutions saw Vanderbilt? What qualities made it stand out against other schools?
GG: As to how other institutions saw Vanderbilt in 2000, I do know that other institutions around the country view Vanderbilt as one of the most highly competitive nationally recognized institutions in America. It used to be that Vanderbilt was the "Harvard of the South." I now believe that Harvard is the "Vanderbilt of the North."
Interesting?? ;) Read the whole interview HERE.
Woke up this morning, I got 2 news from Malaysia;
1. BAGHDAD -- Royal Dutch Shell and Malaysia's Petronas on Friday won the rights to develop one of the world's largest remaining untapped oilfields as Iraq staged its second auction of oil contracts since the 2003 U.S. invasion. more
Since many of my sisters, and friends (and my father is too!) are working in both Shell and Petronas, this is kinda big news around my circle isn't it?
2. KANGAR, Dec 11 (Bernama) -- Four people, including a bridegroom, were killed when a car they were travelling in collided head-on with a tour bus at Km7 Jalan Kangar-Padang Besar, today. more
This caught my attention a bit. It's just 4 hours of marriage, and Allah has separated them permanently (may they meet in the Hereafter inshaAllah). May Allah place him together with other mu'miniin and may the wife stay strong to face the test. Allah knows best!
Sekian dulu cerita hari ini. Petang (dah lepas isha' pun time tu) ni ada Divine Speech class. adik2 Vandy yang dah pergi jangan jeles, bagi chance kat kakak plak. ;) All the best to semua di Umich, Vandy, dan lain untuk minggu final. Pray hard while studying hard ok!
hehehehe rajin ehhh bace news~ :)
heheh tak disengajekan. sume tu org post kat facebook.
the wife of bridegroom yg accident tu my senior. tu yg over tkejut lg. huhu~
Ahha cam lawak pulak "Vanderbilt of the North" :D
Anyways, tgk detail of the interview. Ahha, they used term 'work hard, play hard' juge..
Kat shell malaysia, every third friday kiteorang ada session 'work hard play hard' jugee :D
Ehhe saja merayau2 di pagi hari :D
IM or email me anything k. Byk kerejo, tak sempat bukak YM ke apa ke.. ok dear?
Keep in touch!!
aha~ what to do. sume nak work hard,play hard. work hard je boleh pecah otak ni. :P
kat NU ni, the grad student asoc, derang ade cam coffee break every wednesday borak2 pasal macam2, which i never join. haha~
inshaAllah saye kacau. bg jeles sy gi muktamar yeh keh3.
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