I was doing a lazy-walking to Tech to send 2 homeworks. *Why do I need to go out just to send this for few minutes?? ~_~ *
Later then, I walked downstairs to the bus stop. I passed by some people including a post-doc who is in the same lab as mine - Swarm Robots.
Later then, a professor stopped me. At first I didn't here what he said, so I just smiled and started to walk back. But he repeated, and I finally caught what he said.
"I'm a Muslim"
ohhh.... Then I stopped. And he seems wanted to talk to me some more.
He graduated from NU in 70's for his PhD. So, pangkat datuk la berbanding saya kan. hehe... He's alone here while his family are all in Jordan, close to Jerusalem. Kesian pun ye jugak, atuk duduk sorang2 US ni..... wife pun kat Jordan.
It's not always to see Muslims, especially in Sciences/Engineering. And he's pretty excited to see me in hijaab in Tech. ;) Nice right? Oh, he's actually a visiting scholar in Chemistry Department so we are in the same building.
So there you are, meet a new prof when you almost graduated.
muaz masuk mana eh?
btw,kat sini engineering dept yg plg ramaiiii muslims. arabs. most do not practicelah tapi. huhuk.
dlm kelas eng payah nak jumpa mat salleh, in contrast to social sciences and other natural sciences, mcm biotech, etc. entah knp.
oh seriously? that's interesting. kat sini, asal cakap major eng je sume teruja macam kita ni super saiya hebat kan.. dah la perempuan pulak tu amik. hehe~ contra with social sciences, but maybe becoz we have middle eastern studies yg mostly focus on islamic studies so ramai nak ambik that course. we even currently have petition to create a new major of Islamic Studies instead of combining with middle eastern.
muaz masuk intec, ADFP - same prog with basyirah before. hehe... seems like we bring all the US genes lah~
wahhhh US jugak?
nnti dpt tgk basy buat trip ngn muaz pula nmpknye. hehe.
kanada mat salleh mmg tak minat engine kot. islamic studies, hurm, mmg takde dlm uni. almaghrib and its alikes banyak. tp takde formal courses.
even arabic pun baru nak introduce next fall. toronto byk kot i suppose.
hehe tahun depan bole la tengok :P kot la inshaAllah... tengok result cemana.
hopefully inshaALlah, usually akan mula dgn arabic, then baru berkembang dgn islamic studies semua. Hopefully lagi ramai yg akan eager nak belajar Islam kat sana =)
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