Jan 23, 2009

Mother Nature


*selingan before kita sambung cerita Muktamar =)

harini ada satu kelas saja (in fact, hari2 satu kelas, uhu..) - kelas Advanced Engineering Mathematics jam 11.00 am tadi.

di akhir2 kelas, 1 definition we learned, tentang Laplace's Equation. which almost all of us engineers already knew, jugak science students la kan.

so, dia tanya, which part did you learn about this equation?

one of my friend who is a chemE student, said something related to control ape tah.. hehe.. I don't remember. I didn't say anything but in my field, there's Laplace's Equation in Emags (betul tak kawan2 EE saye?)

Lepas dia tanya, mulalah dia bercerita betapa luasnya penggunaan Laplace Equation ni in so many fields (he likes to tell stories! =)). Sebagai mathematician, dia sangat rasa betapa pentingnya Maths dalam hidup...

And, he also mentioned that how the 'mother nature' could plan all these things. made Laplace's Equation really useful in our lives. how 'mother nature' have set everything in order.. bla bla bla~

my classmates kata lepas class.. 'randomnye lah tiba2 mother nature' huhu~

Allah is the Greatest
Allah lah sebaik-baik perancang..



[MH] said...

sy penah blaja Laplace ni ..of course,in medicine pun ada tau..

Allah the Greatest


lama tak nampak akak :)

Deremind said...

betape femesnye laplace nih..

akak 'ada' jeee..~ :D